Research with Parents of Children with Smartphone Access

Research with Parents of Children with Smartphone Access

An Amárach Survey Briefing Report

Issued 3rd October 2023

  • Methodology

    Online survey Questionnaire designed in collaboration with and Drury

  • Sample

    A nationally representative sample* of 900 parents of children aged 5 to 17 with smartphone access. Parents aged 18+. Republic of Ireland

    * Nat. Rep. by family unit (age of oldest child), household composition (couple or lone parent) & region – ref CSO 2022

  • Field work dates

    13- 20th September 2023

  • Margin of Error

    ±3.1% at 95% confidence interval
    The margin of error indicates the percentage points the results may differ from the overall population.

    Margin of error changes according to the size of sample, the size of the population and to the observed percentage in question.

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Need help or
would like to
talk to someone?

  • If you or your child feels the need to talk to anyone about thoughts, emotions, or anything that may be associated with these issues, please consider him/her/they calling Childline on 1800 66 66 66 or the ISPCC special line 1800 400 100.
  • If you would like to talk to a professional (someone whose job it is to help children and adults), please contact the ISPCC’s Support Line service can be contacted by email to or between 9am – 1pm Monday – Friday by calling 01 522 4300.
  • If you would like to report the incident you anonymously described in the form, you can do so by contacting TUSLA, Child Protection Agency.